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The core idea of this case study is if we are able to satisfied the basic needs of everybody, there will be no more reasons to work, so people can follow their basic instinct: to play. 

Constant think that the problem of people frightened for losing their jobs is a problem of the industrialization. The concept of freedom is very essential. People should have unlimited freedom and can change or adjust fast.

Replacing human by the machines to give them more free time but need to assure that there are supplies for everyone. Rejecting the consumer society but support dynamic city which freedom and play would have a central role. Human is freed by automation from productive work.

Constant’s interest in architecture and urban started when Europe wanted to create the better world atop the ruin of WW2

New Babylon project was designed by Constant Nieuwenhuys during 1959-1974. The starting point of this project was when Europe wanted to create the better world atop the ruin of WW2. 

The core idea of this project is that if we were able to satisfy the basic needs of everybody, there would be no more reasons to work. So people could follow their basic instinct which is "to play". Constant believed that when people got frightened for losing their jobs, it meant that there was a problem of the industrialization. Therefore, people should support dynamic city which freedom and play would have a central role instead of the consumer society. 

The solution is that the human will be replaced by the machine to give them more free time but still need to be assure that there will be supplies for everyone. 


New Babylon applied the concept of "Mobile Architecture" into its design. The idea of this concept 

New Babylon was influenced by the book called "Homo Ludens" by Johann Huizinga. The idea of this book is about "A Study of the Element of Play in Culture". The point of the book explains that "Play" is not only the physical and psychological activities, but there is function in it. In the game, different people have different characters played in the game; however, there are rules and everyone must obey the rules. 



New Babylon was influenced by the book called "Homo Ludens" by Johann Huizinga. The idea of this book is about "A Study of the Element of Play in Culture". The point of the book explains that "Play" is not only the physical and psychological activities, but there is function in it. In the game, different people have different characters played in the game; however, there are rules and everyone must obey the rules. 



-Plug-in city

-Ville Spatiale

-Mobile Architecture by Yona Friedman. The idea of this project is to create an  elevated city space where people could live and work in housing of their own design : Self planning

-Homo Ludens by Johann Huizinga. The idea is about 'A Study of the Element of Play in Culture.'  The point of the book explains that 'Play' is not only the physical and psychological activities, but there is function in it. In the game, different people have different characters played in the game. However, there are rules and everyone must obey the rules.


There is the different elements of play in different parts of civilization and culture 


1.Nature and significance of play as a cultural phenomenon: animals played before human, and the most significant aspect of play is that it is fun.

The characteristics

*play is freedom

*play is not ordinary or real life

*play has beginning and an end

*play creates an order


2.The play concept as expressed in language: Classified the word used for play in variety of natural language. For example, in German, the meaning of play can be a drinking competition or deciding how to kill someone. While in others, the meaning of play can be sexual conduct or a way of expressing laziness.

3.Play and contest as civilizing functions: Culture arises in the form of play


4.Play and Law: 3 play-form in the lawsuit

1.the game of chance

2.the contest

3.the verbal battle


5.Play and War

-One wages war to obtain a decision of holy validity ???

-An armed conflict is as much a mode of justice as divination or a legal proceeding. ???

-War itself might be regarded as a form of divination ???

-One might call society a game in the formal sense, if one bears in mind that such a game is the living principle of all civilization. ???

-In the absence of the play-spirit civilization is impossible. ???


6.Playing and Knowing: Doing and daring are power, but knowing is magical power


7.Play and Poetry


8.The elements of thymopoiesis: Mythopoesis is literally myth-making.


9.Play-forms in philosophy


10.Play-forms in art


11.Western civilization sub specie ludi


12.Play-element in contemporary civilization

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