The objective of the project is to try to intervene within the process of the company being able to take over the land that has already burnt. If the concession cannot be spread, the companies will be afraid of fires set outside the concession because fires will come to burn their productive land.
To be able to interrupt the process of illegal land ownership transformation, land rights regulation is required to have stronger legal frameworks. Hence, the project should have the capacity to transform the law to be more strengthened, to be more apparent, and to be fairer to all citizens. The official governors are the one who can change the law, so that is why the pressure from the public is significant. The government needs to acknowledge the issues responding to media demands.
How can I gather people to go against the more powerful government?
An online platform might be a suitable method. One of the biggest of online platforms is the ability to reach broader audiences and gather people from different backgrounds in a short time. The online platform allows people to form a community which will have power against the more influential corporations who can change the law, which is the goal of this project. Therefore, I propose to build an online community platform for gathering people and information.
Peat fire
In 2015, Indonesia faced massive peat fires across Borneo and Sumatra creating massive air pollution. Fires occurred on all types of soils throughout Borneo, but fires on peatlands were particularly concerned. Many attempts have been explored to prevent peat fires; however, peat fires are very notable in difficulty to extinguish.
Attempts to control fire
In order to be able to control fires, we need to understand how fires behave theoretically. “Fire triangle” is a model for conveying the components of fires. Three elements are required for a fire to burn; Activation energy (Heat source), Oxidizer (Oxygen), and Combustible (Fuel). The fire will spread in the direction of the most abundant supply of the three elements. If one of the three elements is removed, the fire will be put out.
Illegal land ownership
The root of the problem might start from the problem of legal land rights of some small communities. The majority of land transformations occurs from community property ownership to ownership by local elites. Therefore, it is possible that burning activity is actually a conversion technique of land use.
Tanjung Puting
The reason this site is chosen is that the site is very famous and attracts people’s attention. It is a protected area which is not supposed to be burnt; however, the fires are burning in the park
every year. It also has conflicts between local government and
national government about the land law. Even though it is fa-
mous, there are still conflicts happening.